The McKnight Boys

The McKnight Boys
(L-R) Gunnar, Parker, Mason and Chase

Monday, November 5, 2012

30 Days of Being Thankful- Day 5

Hey, friends! Another last minute, late night post.  Today, among other things, I am thankful for my sons, and knitting.  My boys really and truly are the light of my life.  I am so fortunate that I get to stay home with the twins, and I am also so impressed as to how much the older boys are learning in school right now.  Tonight, the boys made dinner (with Dad's help) and I was so grateful, because I was in the middle of a knitting nightmare.  I had made a New Year's resolution to learn to knit or sew, and I ended up learning both this year, but knitting has become a wonderful hobby.  I really like working with my hands, and it can be quite soothing for me at times.  However, I started some more difficult pattern work in my latest knitting class, and if I'm not paying attention I get off on my stitches.  And since I'm such a perfectionist, if I can't get things back on track, I frog the whole thing.  (Frogging is a knitting term used for when you aren't happy with your knitting work and you "rip it, rip it, rip it," like "rib bit."  Get it? OK, moving on...) So, after working on a cable knit scarf for most of the day, I got really frustrated and overwhelmed and I frogged it.  This was when I was super thankful that the boys and Todd made dinner.  They even set the table, and my kids actually sat at the table and ate dinner.  That NEVER happens! We had a brief Family Home Evening lesson, and ice cream for dessert.  All in all, it was a really great evening.  After they went to bed, I started a different scarf project, and made some good progress.  My knitting class has been cancelled this week, and my instructor is anticipating us having a project complete to bring to our next class, so I have to get my hands to work on this new scarf. 

Well, I'd better post this and get to bed.  P.S. To all of my friends who are posting what they are thankful for, thank you.  I appreciate reading your posts and seeing every one's different perspective on life!

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