The McKnight Boys

The McKnight Boys
(L-R) Gunnar, Parker, Mason and Chase

Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 Days of Being Thankful- Day 15

Well, it was a more productive day.  After totally losing my cool over a ridiculous woman who nearly hit my car this morning in the drop off line at school, I came home and angrily cleaned my house.  I vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the kitchen, and did 4 loads of laundry...before noon.  I also stayed in a bad mood for the rest of the day...which didn't sit well with my husband.  He was kind enough to bring home lunch for us, but the pleasantries stopped there.  Between getting the kids in the car to pick up the big boys, I started texting with Todd's little sister (who I just adore) and we chatted about our Thanksgiving plans.  She brought her special brand of sunshine to my cloudy day, and I appreciated it thoroughly. So, after I got the kids home from school, Chase started giving me major attitude.  I didn't have the right snacks in the house, I never let him do anything he wanted to do, I was treating him like a baby- ya know, 8 year old boy stuff.  So, I fixed Gunnar a hot chocolate, and I asked Chase if wanted one as well.  I brought it to him, and he spilled it all over the laptop, and he promised me that he cleaned it up.  I fixed dinner, and just as I was about to sit down and eat, I discovered a massive stain on the carpet and hot chocolate under my laptop.  I yelled and made him clean it up, then went back and had to clean it up some more.  Needless to say, after being angry for what seemed like all day, I needed a break.  Luckily, my sister-in-law here in town and I had already made plans to go to The Vintage Pearl's holiday open house at their new location.  It was such a nice event, and I ordered a necklace I had wanted for about a year.  Also, it was really great to get out of the house for a while.  We ended up staying out until 10 (on a school night, no less!) and it was just really good to hang out with her and talk. 

So, after that little rant, today I am thankful for sisters-in-law. I have 5 of them, and each one is different and unique in their own special way, and I love them all!  They all offer their own "brand" of fun and happiness that I fully appreciate, and I enjoy spending time with all of them.  Thank you, sisters and sisters-in-law of my husband and wife of my brother, you all make me smile and I needed that today. 

P.S. Thanks to everyone in the U.S.A., Germany and Russia that are reading the blog, but now we can thank our new friends in Israel and South Korea!

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