The McKnight Boys

The McKnight Boys
(L-R) Gunnar, Parker, Mason and Chase

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

I went to my first Mother's of Multiples meeting last night, and it was pretty fun! As a large group we met to discuss women's libido issues. The doctor who gave this presentation was really funny, and had a lot of interesting information. He had a little questionnaire to determine whether or not someone had hypo active sexual dysfunction disorder- "hypo" being a lack of as opposed to "hyper" being a lot of something. Anyway, I thought to myself "nope, this doesn't affect me," then I suddenly started answering "yes" to most of the questions. Long story short, apparently I have it, but with good reasons. I'm so tired and just want to sleep at the end of the day, and Todd feels the same way. The Doctor said that most oral contraceptives can be really bad for your libido and he actually suggested women try other methods of birth control. He basically said "get off of birth control" to find out what's wrong with your body, and this one woman was like "Really? Because I'm a little shell-shocked from having twins, I'll use birth control for the rest of my life!" Then we split up into smaller groups where I met 2 other first timers who had twin boys as well. It was so great to talk to other women who knew exactly where I was coming from and it was neat to hear their stories about their experiences with twins. I'm looking forward to next month's meeting!

So then I came home, and if you read my FaceBook post, I hit a dog. Strike that, I ran over it with my Suburban. The worst part was hearing the dog yelping in pain. I just stood there as this man picked up his dog and I said "did I hit your dog? Is there someone I can call for you?" He just told me "no," picked up the dog and ran. I ran into the house and told Todd (who was dealing with our crying twins). I was still in shock that I never even got a chance to tell the man how sorry I was. What I should have said is what a jackass he was for breaking a city law and not walking that dog on a leash! I mean, I'm a pet parent, and I would NEVER EVER let my dog walk without a leash. I called a member from our Homeowners Association and she told me she'd seen this guy walking the dog without a leash, that in fact, he was training him to walk without a leash. Really? Why did she not tell this guy she would report him if he did it again? The worst part was how she said "well, I would have let them pass, you should have let him pass by." Well, woulda-shoulda-coulda, lady! She was defending this guy and it kinda made me mad! Even a member of the HOA was OK with this guy breaking the law, and going against everything the HOA harps about in every single handout they send around. It's people like that who really make me mad, because they think that they're the exception to the rules, and that they're above them somehow. And I'm just sure that this man will confront me at some point. GRRRR! It makes me so angry! Angry because this all could have been prevented had this little dog been on a leash, and I wouldn't feel so bad because I could have possibly killed this man's dog. I mean, I was up most of the night with feelings of guilt. I just felt sick to my stomach, and I think the babies and Todd must have felt my emotions radiating off of me too, because the babies kept waking up and Todd said he kept jerking awake as well.

Oh well, today is almost done, and then tomorrow will come and I will hopefully begin moving on mentally. Now I'll be super paranoid anytime I'm out in my neighborhood driving or even walking in the streets. This just adds fuel to my fire for wanting to fix up the house, sell, and get out of "old people-ville." Anyone know where I can move to that I won't have to deal with issues like this?

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