The McKnight Boys

The McKnight Boys
(L-R) Gunnar, Parker, Mason and Chase

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My favorite time of night...

So here I am...something I swore I would never do: I began a blog. I decided to create a blog after talking with some of my friends from FaceBook, who are actually people I see, not just people I used to know. After hearing "I love reading your updates," more times than I can shake a stick at, I decided to make my life more official. I have decided to document my family's life a little more thoroughly. There are so many stories about my boys that I never get a chance to share, so this will be the place for some of my more extended stories about them.

And yes, this is my favorite time of night. My boys are all asleep, and I get to spend some "quality time" with my husband in front of the television. We have our routine of sorts- We get the older boys to bed, we get the babies to bed, then we watch TV and talk. I know, it sounds pretty lame, but that's us, and I love it. It's quiet, and I get to spend time alone with my best friend in the whole world. He means more to me than I can ever express, and I'm lucky to have him, and I tell him that whenever I can. Ya know what he tells me in return? "Yeah, you are."

So that's the first post. Leave some comments, ask some questions, I'd love to have some feedback. I'll be sure to post more pictures on here as well.


  1. Can't wait to hear all your stories, Amber!

  2. It's about time! I'm excited as ever to be reading your blog now :)

  3. Todd sounds like James. I tell him he's cute and he says yeah, he knows.

  4. Welcome to blog land, I am looking forward to hearing your stories.
