The McKnight Boys
(L-R) Gunnar, Parker, Mason and Chase
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I'm baaaaaaack!
MAY- Well, after Sadie's death I thought I'd be miserable for a while, but surprisingly our family rebounded pretty well. Buckley acted as if nothing ever happened, or like she never existed. Most of my Dad's family came to my parents' house for the annual "Frick Festival," and it was so good to see all of my Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and their children. T-ball ended for Chase, things started winding down at school, which made Chase and I sad because we really loved his teacher for 1st grade. Before we knew it, we were getting ready for our big vacation. 3 days after school let out we drove to Todd's parents' house in Mesa, AZ. We took Buckley with us, which he just loved, and everybody did pretty well on the trip out there. We hung out, played outside in the most beautiful weather, took a day trip on the motorcycles, swam, saw a few movies, and the babies had their first buzz cut in the backyard. We stayed for a week, and when we came home it was June!
JUNE- Pretty boring month, really. I made a list of all the things we wanted to accomplish this Summer, and I even made a personal list for me. My list involved getting rid of eight 20 gallon tubs worth of baby clothing and all other baby items, along with getting more organized around the house. I took the big boys to see "Cars 2," and we had a few play dates with friends at the bowling alley and splash pads. I made the boys play outside before it got terribly hot out. We mostly stayed inside and I tried to keep the big boys quiet while the babies slept. Oh, we did get on a pretty easy Summer schedule as far as our sleep routine is concerned- we all managed to wake up around 8:30 or later! And before we knew it July was here!
JULY- So we had a pretty low-key 4th of July, had dinner at my parents' house and then ended up watching a great show off of the Jenks Bridge in a QuikTrip parking lot. A few days later it was Chase's 7th birthday! We had a family party at my parents' house, and even though Chase got everything he put down on his birthday list, he still wanted more. Go figure, right? He obviously gets this trait from my side of the family (Dad, I blame you for this genetic abnormality!)
At this point in the summer we started to experience temperatures over 100 degrees. We had a record set in Oklahoma for the number of consecutive days to have temperatures of 100 or more. I think our hottest day was a scorching 113, and Arizona actually had cooler weather than we did! I was positive that Satan himself lived in Arizona in the Summer, but apparently he moved to Oklahoma this year. ;o) Chase was given a slip-n-slide for his birthday, and with the heat so bad, I figured this would be a great way for the big boys to stay cool. Turns out it was so much fun that they broke it after using it for 2 days straight. Gunnar and Chase were pretty bummed out, so my mom bought them a new one. We had it set up for all of 10 minutes before Chase busted it and water was flooding into my yard. It was around this time we started having dance parties in the family room. We'd turn on music and let the boys go nuts. Chase would stand on his hands, and Gunnar learned to sit on his head. Even the babies got into the act and would bust a move and kick up their legs like their big brothers. It was totally cute to watch! I wish I would have made videos of them dancing. I'll just have to keep the video camera charged so we can make that dream a reality! I made the boys stay inside for another couple of weeks to beat the heat, then it was August, and we were ready for school to start!
AUGUST- Did I say we were ready for school to start? I meant I was ready for school to start. My nerves were pretty much shot by the end of the Summer. The big boys were constantly fighting and I was tired of yelling all the time. I couldn't get them to go outside because it was so hot, so they stayed inside and watched TV or played the Wii, and invented new and unusual ways to torture each other...and me. The babies just seem to be totally un-phased by them, except they've learned how to hit and fight. We put our old house on the market, trying to sell the old thing again. Our renters decided to move at the end of the month, so we figured we'd try to sell it and see what happens- wish us luck on that one!
The big boys started school a week later this year, but it gave me the opportunity to do some volunteer work at the school. I helped put together the packets each child receives when they go to "Meet the Teacher." It was fun, and I met some really great ladies and caught up with some of the mothers I had met over the years at the school. So we made it to "Meet the Teacher," and the boys really liked their teachers. I was really nervous for Gunnar, because he stayed home with me for the past 18 months, but he was ready to go back to school. Chase started a few days before Gunnar did, and he even let me walk him into class this year (I was afraid he'd tell me he was too old for that this year), and when Gunnar started I walked him in, but he just asked "uh, Mom, are you going to leave or what?" Love him. Oh, and I signed the big boys up for soccer, and Todd decided to coach Gunnar's team. They seem to like it so far, but our first game isn't until September, so we'll see how they like it then.
By this point, going back to my Summer list of things to do, I had several friends come by the house and pick up baby clothing for their little boys. Whatever wasn't claimed I donated, and it feels good to be moving on. I'll admit I'm a little sad that I never had a daughter, but hopefully I'll have amazing daughters-in-law and granddaughters to spoil in the future. I think in total we gave clothing and baby items to 7 families. I originally wanted to sell it and get a little cash, but in the end I knew that I needed to give it to my friends for their children. We have been so blessed to have parents and family give things to us that it was only fitting I try to "pay it forward" and bless others with generosity. I know I did what the Lord wanted me to, and that makes me feel amazing.
SEPTEMBER- So here we are, in the best month of the year, as far as I'm concerned. I love September! Half of my family's birthdays are in this month (Todd, Gunnar, myself), and I have always loved how this month makes me feel. The weather has cooled off considerably, the sky is bluer, and this is the time of year when the Monarch butterflies start to migrate South and they can be seen all over the Tulsa sky. I feel kind of bad for Todd, because I was not feeling good on his birthday, so I didn't really do anything for him. We usually skip getting each other presents because we can't afford it, but we did have a nice dinner out and then saw a movie for free (long story short, we went on a date in August and the theater had a fire and we had to be evacuated and got free tickets for another movie). We'll have a big family birthday party at my parents' house (do you see a common theme for parties? Always at Mom and Dad's house!) at the end of the month to celebrate the September birthdays. I'm pretty sure we're going to have a "Star Wars" cake, thanks to Gunnar.
Well, I think that's it for now. I'll post some pictures later, because I need to get the twins out and run an errand before lunch and nap time! Hope everyone enjoyed my "abridged" version of our Summer! Stay tuned for more info. about our rental house and soccer games! Much love to you all!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
In memory of my beloved dog, Sadie...
I really noticed things were changing when she stopped following me around the house, and even shied away from me. I didn't realize it at the time, but looking back I do now: she knew she was dying and she was trying to distance herself from me and the kids. Buckley knew it, I think, because he pretty much left her alone, and when she stopped eating, he started eating all of the dog food. Normally, Buckley was very reserved and always let Sadie eat first, and go outside first, and drink their water first...he just let her be in charge. Now, he knew she was dying, and he started eating more, and being more outgoing, where as before he was very quiet and almost shy. It started to get bad the first weekend in April. That Friday she stopped eating and drinking, even after a previous checkup to the Vet revealed she had lost 5 more pounds, her blood levels had spiked, and he suggested a new anti-nausea medication to help with the eating and drinking. She spat out the medication, and refused food. I tried to keep the Vet informed as to what was going on, how all weekend long she didn't eat, or drink, and she just wasn't herself.
That Monday was really rough. She just looked miserable, and I put her in my bed that morning and she didn't leave the bed all day. We discussed the possibility of putting her down, and then I started looking things up on the Internet about kidney failure in dogs. My least favorite quote, but the one that haunted me, said "it is not a dignified way for a dog to die." It hit me at that point, my "A-Ha" moment-I was letting my dog die in a painful way, and I was the only person who could end her misery. I cried and cried, and held her and cried some more. I felt awful for even thinking of it, because to me, I was not putting her to sleep, I was killing her. I just couldn't kill my baby girl! I prayed for her, I prayed for me, I prayed for peace to know that I was making the right decision. I spoke with our Vet that night about how my husband and I had talked about putting her down, and he said "Well, you know, you're probably doing the right thing, she won't last much longer, there is no shame in doing it, you're not a bad person." So I decided if she made it through the night, I would make the decision the next day.
I thought she died a few times in the night, because she was so still, and sputtering. But, in the morning, she was alive and laboring to breath. I explained to the boys that she was going to die that day, and I wanted them to take pictures with her for the last time. She perked up for pictures with them, and they gave her kisses on her head, and she just sat there looking at them with the same loving, motherly look she had since each one was born. She loved those boys, my boys, like they were her own children. I posted a few pictures of her with us at the header of the post....can you tell I'd been crying in my picture with her? I informed the Vet's office that we needed to put her down and end her suffering. Around lunch time, Todd was going to come home, take her to the Vet, and be with her as she died. I was in agony that day, all day long, until Todd came to get her. I laid by her and told her all sorts of things about how wonderful she was. She just laid there....and then she put her paw on my shoulder, like she was comforting me. I just sobbed. My loyal best friend was comforting me in her time of death. Todd came home, and she was so weak she couldn't walk, so he carried her to his car where I said my final goodbye. Before leaving, Todd told Gunnar to take care of me because I was going to be very sad all day long. She just sat there in the back seat, and had this look like "let's get this over with, I'm ready." I ran to my bathroom and cried on the floor for a few minutes. Then, Gunnar came in, gently put his hand on my shoulder and said, "OK, you've cried enough, come on out of here..." He helped me up, walked me to the kitchen, where I made lunch for the kids, and then managed to go about my day as normally as I could. My boys explained to their cousins that Sadie died, Gunnar even told one of them "My mom is sad 'cause our dog's dead, so go easy on her today."
And I began to worry about Buckley that night. Buckley had come to the front door when Todd was taking Sadie. They touched noses, and then his best friend was gone. We got Sadie when she was only 7 weeks old, and Buckley was around 9 months old. He let her chew all over his legs when we was teething, and he never complained. They were brother and sister, yet sweet and affectionate to each other as well. She taught him how to climb stairs, and jump on the bed. He taught her how to use their paws to slap each other when playing tug of war (which she always cheated at by biting his ears so he'd let go of the toy!)They were great playmates, but when the kids came along, he didn't fawn all over them like she did. In their later years they had become like an old married couple Now, his life partner was gone in an instant. I thought they were going to be like the dogs in the book"Where the Red Fern Grows,"and thought that once one died the other would too. I was nervous that he would get depressed and quit eating, but just the opposite happened. He was eating more, and seemed to relish the new attention he started to receive. We've even started taking him for rides in our Suburban, and he loves to sit in between Gunnar and Chase in the back seat. He's was still a little hesitant around the babies, and reluctant to come take naps with me, but we've had a talk and he's coming around.
I will never get over losing my girl, Sadie. There are sad reminders of her everywhere in my house. I tried to take a nap the day after she died, but I couldn't sleep because she always used to lay next to me. She always slept at my feet at night, and the bed just feels empty without her there. If it's night time, and there is something dark on the floor, I think it's her. Her pink dog bone toy still lays on the floor in the living room, and yes, it makes me sad. Todd told me that it didn't hit him until he had to take her collar off at the Vet's office. She had been giving morphine, and a glimpse of her old self was there in her eyes for just a moment before the euthanasia medicine kicked in. He said after she was gone, he went to take the collar from her neck, and usually if you touch a sleeping dog they jump up, but she just laid there. Buckley has started to do some of the things she used to do, like eating all of the food the babies drop at meal times, and he's even started to come find me and see what I'm doing during the day. He and I have grown much more close in our time of loss and grief.
So there it is, people. My sad, sad story. Of course, it's only sad if you are a pet parent, have grown up with a dog, and can sympathize with how I've felt. As I finish writing this post, I see Mason leaning on Buckely, who is laying down, looking at a book. I grew up with a wonderful dog, and I hope my sons have the same wonderful memories of growing up with a dog, or dogs, like I do.